Daily Archives: January 18, 2012

Excerpt from ‘Calico’ by Allison Bruning

I have recently interviewed author Allison Bruning. You can read the interview here. She has graciously provided us with a wonderful excerpt from her book, ‘Calico’

Excerpt from Chapter 4 of Calico

June 19, 1764 – Lower Chillicothe Town, Southern Ohio

Small groups of women washed clothes in the medium-sized river at the back of the village. Children ran along the large barrier wall made of thick tree trunks that flanked the sides of the village. Calico watched the boys interact with each other. She peered around the bustling village. Men relaxed on the ground while women worked, children played and elders taught the young men. A tear fell from Calico’s eyes with the recollection of her own parents.

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Interview with Allison Bruning, author of ‘Calico’

Hi everyone! Today, I welcome to the blog author Allison Bruning. We talk about her writing career as well as her books. As a special treat she also gives us a sample of her writing, which you can read here.

Alright then, let’s get started!

Interview with Allison Bruning

Describe your series? What genre would you classify it into?

The Children of the Shawnee follows twin sisters, Calico and Rose Turner Dubious before, during and just after the Unites States Revolutionary War. Like a Tale of Twin Cities, while the twins do not live in the same area they will meet up in the end. My series starts with the girls together but after their parents deaths they decide to follow different paths. Calico stays with the Shawnee while Rose is sent to live with her father’s family in France.
My series is historical fiction with a taste of suspense, paranormal, and romance.

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