Tag Archives: South America

Interview with Katheryn Lane, author of Her Latin Lover and The Royal Sheikh

Hi everyone! Today, I have with me author Katheryn Lane, who writes contemporary romance novels. This is Katheryn’s second visit to the blog, as she also participated in my huge Valentines Day Giveaway. This is quite different for me as I have not interviewed romance authors before, so it got very interesting! Lets get to the interview and get to know more about Katheryn and her books.

I also have a giveaway running right now where two lucky winners will receive a set of both her books. So, go on and enter the giveaway here!

Interview with Katheryn Lane, author of Her Latin Lover and The Royal Sheikh

Describe your books? What genre would you classify it into?

I currently have two published novels, The Royal Sheikh and Her Latin Lover, which are both contemporary romances set in fictional places.  The Royal Sheikh is set in an imaginary country in the Arabian Peninsula and Her Latin Lover is based in a fictitious place in South America, so they have a certain element of fantasy about them which I hope provides readers with some great romantic escapism. Both books are face-paced, with a lot of action and conflict, but I don’t think I’d be giving too much away if I said that, like most great romances, they have a satisfying happily-ever-after ending. Reviewers have described my books as being ‘a romantic roller coaster’, having ‘lots of flat-out chemistry’, ‘sweet, heart-warming, yet sexy’, which is fantastic, as this is exactly what I hoped to achieve when I started writing each novel.

How do you come up with the idea for the books?

My first romance, The Royal Sheikh, was inspired by my life in the Middle East. I moved here several years ago with my family and when I first arrived I went out to explore some of the country. While I was out, I came across a deserted beach on the Arabian Gulf. I must admit I wasn’t swept off my feet by a royal Sheikh, but I did see a Bedouin tent and some camels out in the distance, which set me thinking about who might live there and what they might be like. The rest of the story developed from there.

My second romance, Her Latin Lover, was inspired by my love of travel.  Luckily, I have never woken up anywhere and found myself completely alone with no money, but it does happen to people and I started wondering how such a thing could occur and what the person would do next. Much of the local details were provided by a close friend who spent a long time working in South America. However, unlike the heroine in Her Latin Lover, Mary, my friend never found herself caught up with the local mafia, at least not that I know of!

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Giveaway of  Her Latin Lover and The Royal Sheikh by Katheryn Lane

Hi everyone! A few of you’ll  will remember Katheryn Lane from my Valentine’s Day giveaway. Well, she is back! And this time she is giving two lucky winners a copy of her new book Her Latin Lover and The Royal Sheikh! So, every winner will get TWO books! Isn’t that awesome? And, can get extra chances to win too! Just come back on 21st April, and ask Katheryn a question on her interview with me to get one extra entry in the giveaway! Take a look at these mouth-watering covers and books, and enter!

About Her Latin Lover

Escape from danger with HER LATIN LOVER

When Mary Delaney is offered an all expenses paid, luxury holiday in South America with her journalist boyfriend, the last thing she expects to happen is to find herself stuck in the middle of nowhere with no boyfriend, no money and no way of getting back to London. When an irresistibly sexy landowner, Don Paulo de Castile, tells her that he has just won her in a game of poker, should she believe him, or try to find out what has happened to her missing boyfriend?

Paulo didn’t realise at the beginning of his poker game that he was playing to win Mary, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to a person he once loved. However, it takes more than a game of cards to win Mary’s heart and Paulo isn’t the only local man interested in her. As well as battling for Mary’s affection, he has to fight off the attentions of the local mafia in a fight that can have only one outcome . . .

About The Royal Sheikh

Clare McKay is a dedicated architect with no time for womanising men. That is, until she accidentally meets Sheikh Rafiq Al Kahil, an Arabian prince, known in the international press as the Playboy Prince. Clare is intent on not falling for his seductive charm, but when he asks her to design a mansion, he presents her with an offer that she can’t refuse.

Once she finds herself alone with him in the Arabian desert, how long will she be able to hold out against his advances? And will he be able to cast aside his womanising past for her, as well as a secret engagement to an Arabian Princess?

Giveaway of  Her Latin Lover and The Royal Sheikh by Katheryn Lane

How to enter the giveaway:

  1. Your name and email address ensure 1 (one) entry.
  2. Following me on twitter gives you 1 (one) additional entry.
  3. ‘Liking’ my Facebook page gives you 1 (one) additional entry.
  4. Following this blog by email gives you 5 (five) additional entries.
  5. Following me on Networked Blogs gives you 1 (one) additional entry.
  6. Only your name and email are required and ensure you an entry. All others are optional and get you additional entries in the giveaway.
  7. If you are already doing any of the above, just leave your details below, including you  twitter username, Facebook name if different and email you used to follow me, and you will receive the extra entries.
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Giveaway rules:

  1. Only one entry per user.
  2. Giveaway is open internationally.
  3. Entries will be open till May 5, 2012.
  4. I will notify the author of the winner, and will pass your email address to her. The author will contact the winner.
  5. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that you receive your book. If you do not receive your book in 15 days, please let me know.
  6. My decision of the winner will be final, I will use a publicly available random number generator to pick the winner.

About author Katheryn Lane

Katheryn Lane works full-time as a teacher, mother and wife, but somehow also finds time to be a part-time writer as well! She loves to write contemporary romances set in exotic locations. Her acclaimed first romance, THE ROYAL SHEIKH, was inspired by her experience of living in the Middle East and her second novel, HER LATIN LOVER, takes readers to the treacherous towns and countryside of South America. In her free time (on the rare occasion that she has any!) she likes to lose herself in a good book.